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How To Get Resin Off Of Hands


Get Resin Off Hands And Skin


When working with epoxy resin, there is always a chance that some resin will make its way onto your hands or skin.

Often during the pouring process is when it gets the messiest. This is why it's highly recommended to have the proper safety equipment when working with epoxy resin, you really don't want to get any on your skin, but don't worry, here we are going to share how to wash epoxy off hands and skin.


How To Protect Hands From Resin

When working wither resin, you should always have the proper gloves on, and not just any gloves will do it.


Resin Gloves


Wear Resin Gloves

Latex gloves are fantastic in the medical field, as they create the perfect barrier for skin interactions with bacteria and other pathogens. However, epoxy resins and other chemicals require a different barrier type, as they can penetrate latex gloves and still make contact with skin.

Nitrile gloves are the must-have skin protection when using epoxy resin.

Whether you are using resin for coasters, or you are using resin for jewelry or maybe even you are just beginning your journey with epoxy resin supplies, you are going to want to protect your skin.

When purchasing nitrile gloves for epoxy work, be sure to check the size as they can come in small, medium, large or extra large sizes.

Check price of nitrile gloves for resin protection here


More Protective Information For Resin Work

Most importantly, you need to wear a respirator with the correct filters for epoxy resin for resin safety. It is an essential part of your safety equipment and is necessary, and it can be easy to purchase the wrong respirator. The proper respirator is listed at the bottom of this article.

But let's get back to getting resin off of your hands.


What Happens When You Get Resin On Your Hands

If you get resin on your hands or skin, it may or may not immediately irritate the skin. You may develop a rash or you may not notice it; however, if you do not immediately get a reaction, this does not mean that you never will.


Hands Near Resin Work


Sensitization Over Time

One thing to keep in mind is that repeated exposure of epoxy resin on skin or inhaled into lungs can cause sensitization, which may show up as red bumps, red, irritated skin or other symptoms.

To prevent this from happening, wear safety gear such as nitrile gloves and a respirator for resin that is N-95 equivalent.

Here is the resin mask we use and trust


How To Get Resin Off Of Hands

No matter the safety gear and preventative measure you take, it does happen. Epoxy sometimes gets onto our skin. Now that this has happened, what should you do?


Working Safely With Epoxy Resin


Does vinegar remove epoxy resin?

It is not recommended to use vinegar to remove epoxy from skin as it can further irritate the skin.

Instead, opt for a natural remedy to remove resin from the skin. If you need to remove epoxy from a surface that is not skin, then go ahead and try vinegar or spirits.


Is resin toxic to skin?

There are many resin types and brands out there. Some resin brands claim to be non-toxic, but the truth of the matter is that resin is a 2 part chemical; an epoxy and a hardener.

They may be "non-toxic" in their unmixed stages, but once mixed they release fumes and can irritate the skin. This is why you need to protect yourself with proper PPE.


What Not To Use On Hands To Remove Resin

The first instinct for removing epoxy resin from your hands is to reach for rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover or some kind of spirit to get rid of the sticky resin. Do not do this. Especially if you already have sensitive skin.

Often, spirits can irritate skin once it has been exposed to resin. This doesn't happen every time to every person, but you don't want to mix these chemicals on delicate skin.

And yes, you may also instinctively go for some warm soapy water or some liquid soap, but if your epoxy and hardener were already mixed before making contact with your skin, this just won't do it.


Naturally Removing Resin From Skin

Here is a natural remedy you can use to get resin off of skin. To get resin off your hands you should use a hand scrub made from natural ingredients. You will scrub your hands together, rinse in warm water, and repeat until the resin is off of your hands completely.

Harsh chemicals such as vinegar or rubbing alcohol can interact with the resin and cause skin reactions or irritation.

A natural scrub can be made at home to get resin off of hands. You can get resin off of your hands with baking soda and dish soap as a natural hand scrub.


Natural Baking Soda Recipe To Get Resin Off Hands

Here is a recipe for how to clean resin off hands:

  • Pour 1 tbsp. baking soda directly onto your hand
  • Pour 1 tbsp. of dish detergent (in liquid form) onto your other hand
  • Scrub your hands together over a sink and rinse with warm water
  • Repeat several times until it is off of your hands

Natural Baking Soda Resin Removal


    Natural Sugar Scrub Recipe For Getting Resin Off Of Your Hands

    • 2 cups of granular sugar, like a white sugar (a coarse salt can also work)
    • 1/2 cup oil: olive oil, grapeseed oil, vegetable oil, canola oil...
    • Mix together and put onto hands and scrub until resin is gone, rinse with warm water

    We keep a sugar scrub on our sink at all times for removing resin (and you can use this really for anything, it works for just general hand cleansing as well).

    You can absolutely add 1-2 drops of essential oil as well if you want to leave your hands smelling nice.

    A lemon or a lavender is a great scent to add to this, just make sure you are adding organic, pure essential oils.

    Shop the pure, organic essential oils we use here


    Essential Oils For Resin Scrub 


    How To Clean Resin Off Tools

    Here is a topic that is a bit more difficult to tackle. If you are wondering how to clean resin off of tools, we will tell you here and now it is nearly impossible.

    That is why most resin artists work with silicone molds, because the resin won't stick to silicone.

    For mixing, stirring, etc. You can look for silicone mixing cups and stirrers, or you can use disposable, whichever you find works best. Then you won't have to worry how to clean up resin tools. They will be disposable or the dried resin will peel out of them.

    See the silicone resin tools available here


    Here are some other epoxy resin resources for you: 


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    No matter what type of resin you decide to use, always use personal protective equipment (PPE). Take time to carefully go over safety data sheets before making anything with resin, and make sure you have the proper gloves on (not latex) and the right respirator for resin protection.

    Here are the exact gloves we always use

    This is the respirator we use and recommend for resin work

    Read more about resin safety here

    And please remember, even if your epoxy resin of choice is "VOC-free, odor free" and/or "non toxic", please always wear the proper respirator for epoxy resin.

    Here is the BEST respirator mask for epoxy resin: this Full Face Organic Vapor Respirator checks off all of the boxes for resin safety, and comes with

    • free 30 day returns
    • a 1 year factory warranty
    • free US shipping and free shipping on international orders

    Here it is:

    best respirator for resin


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    Resin Tips and Advice

    Happy creating!

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